Nine highly-respected Christian publishing professionals will serve as trainers in the Magazine Publishing Institute in Nairobi, Kenya, 30 September – 6 October, 2018.
The first training event offered by Magazine Training International in Africa, the institute consists of intensive courses on magazine editing, magazine management, and magazine design. Although participants enroll in only one course, daily plenary sessions bring members of all three courses together to demonstrate how each discipline impacts and interacts with the others.
The magazine management course will be taught by David Renard, MediaIDEAS partner; Lou Ann Sabatier, principal, Sabatier Consulting; and Dr. Kirimi Barine, founder of Leadership Today Africa.
Editing course trainers are Jeremy Weber, senior news editor, Christianity Today; Carla Foote, editor of Disciple! and One to One; and Camerin Courtney Mattson, senior editor of publications for a nonprofit humanitarian organization.
Headlining the design course are Anne Elhajoui, creative directory for Knight Marketing; Dr. Tamara Welter, associate professor and chair of the Department of Media, Journalism, and Public Relations at Biola University; and Rick Szuecs, designer, Man of Integrity, in Brazil.
“We’re pleased to be able to offer such quality training to Christian publishers in Africa,” says Sharon Mumper, president, Magazine Training International. “Although publishing professionals from some 200 African magazines have used MTI training resources over the years, this will be the first MTI conference in Africa, and marks the start of a 10-year emphasis on the continent.”
by Jennifer Howard, communications director
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.