As an editor, one of your primary responsibilities is to guide writers in crafting stories that resonate with readers. Whether you’re refining content for a magazine, blog, or any publication, the key to success lies in your ability to work collaboratively with writers. Here are some valuable insights on how editors can help writers create polished, compelling stories.
1. Establish clear expectations:
The foundation of a successful editorial relationship begins with clarity. Before the writing process starts, it’s essential to communicate your expectations for the story. This includes the tone, structure, audience, and deadline. Clear guidance helps writers stay focused on the narrative’s goals, making the editing process smoother.
2. Encourage writer ownership:
Editors play a crucial role in guiding the storytelling process, but it’s important to allow writers to retain ownership of their work. Editors should offer constructive feedback without taking over the story. By empowering writers to make decisions and encouraging creative freedom, editors can foster a more collaborative and productive partnership.
3. Ask the right questions:
One of the most effective ways to help writers sharpen their stories is by asking thoughtful questions during the editing process. Questions such as “What’s the core message of this piece?” or “How does this serve the audience?” can help writers refocus their narrative and cut unnecessary details. It is important to guide writers toward clarity without dictating every change.
Editors are integral to shaping powerful stories, but success comes from creating a partnership with writers. By setting clear expectations, respecting creative ownership, and asking the right questions, editors can help writers bring their stories to life. The collaboration between editor and writer is what transforms a good story into a great one.
**This is based on the workshop “Sharpening the story: Working with writers to get to the heart of it all” presented by Hillary Jackson. You can watch the full workshop on-demand for free.**
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