What should you consider when designing a digital publication? Discover the process, helpful tools, and best practices when designing for screens. You will gain inspiration [...]
A digital edition of a magazine provides a wealth of ways in which you can interact with and attract readers. Use the latest tools to [...]
The cornavirus pandemic has devastated the print publishing world. We explore the continuing trends that have seen many traditional print publishers turn to digital in [...]
In 2009, the former editor-in-chief at Thomson Reuters David Schlesinger described journalism as one of the great self-declared professions. He wrote, “I am a journalist [...]
In-person events are a core part of the offering for magazines like gal-dem – a new media organisation committed to sharing stories and experiences of female-identifying and [...]
Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.