When covering a hot, fast-moving health issue like a disease outbreak, a severe weather event or other public health emergency, it can be a scramble [...]
The situation of the coronavirus outbreak is changing fast. And news and information about the disease can be overwhelming, not least of which are the [...]
Journalists around the world are covering a global pandemic, but it’s not the first time a health crisis has gripped the journalism world. To learn [...]
Journalists can’t properly cover trauma if they’re suffering themselves — here’s a guide to self-care The replies to Jareen Imam’s tweet were a hundred deep [...]
9 ways journalists can push back against the stress of an always-on story I have been hearing from journalists who are stressed out by this [...]
Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.