For starters, don’t put your magazine on hold. Your audience needs to hear from you now more than ever. Since April, we’ve been hosting virtual [...]
Technology is an essential part of a journalist’s job, but it can also be a major stressor, especially as reporters juggle the added pressures of [...]
Gender-based violence and abuse is the leading public health issue around the world, with research estimating that one out of every four women will experience [...]
The pandemic has disproportionately affected minority communities and communities of color around the world, panelists said in an ICFJ Global Health Crisis Reporting Forum webinar [...]
Celebrity portrait photographer Daniel Kennedy was recently commissioned to shoot a spread for Billboard Magazine, his first job since the widespread lockdowns caused by COVID-19. [...]
Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.