An introduction to Search Engine Optimization
Type: On-demand workshops
Tag: Business, Digital publishing, Management, Research, Writing
How to engage your audience in the digital space
Type: On-demand workshops
Tag: Business, Digital publishing, Management
Production management
Type: E-books
Tag: Budget, Business, Finance, Management, Printing, Production
New models of “magazine publishing:” The evolution of digital social media tools
Type: On-demand workshops
Leading from a distance: Strategies to build virtual teams that work
Type: On-demand workshops
Tag: Business, Digital publishing, Management
The fundamentals of magazine production
Type: E-books
Tag: Business, Management, Printing, Production
Build a strong brand: Establish your brand identity in print and digital
Type: On-demand workshops
Tag: Branding, Business, Management
Understanding the 7 phases of a publication’s life cycle
Type: E-books
Tag: Business, Management