directory of Christian magazines

Did you know Magazine Training International has the only online international Christian magazine directory? This valuable platform helps readers, writers, and other publishers find Christian magazines around the world. We are in the process of making annual updates, but currently the directory features more than 275 magazines from 50 countries.

The directory is a great way for publishers to discover what other publishers are doing–whether they want to be inspired by the worldwide Christian publishing community, are looking for a magazine for which to write, or want to check out other magazines in their country, the directory is a great place to start.

As you explore the directory, a wealth of searchable information is at your fingertips. You’ll find beautiful covers and in-depth data, including contact information, the year a publication was founded, circulation, website address, number of pages, format, and frequency.

Publishers can add their magazine to the directory by filling out a brief form. All listings in the directory are free.

Photo by Marten Newhall on Unsplash

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.