Upcoming training events

Introduction to magazine publishing course

Join Magazine Training International as we continue the MTI in Africa program with a conference in Ghana in November 2022! Learn the essential steps for [...]

Atelier pratique

Il s'agit d'un atelier pratique d'une journée, à participation limitée, destiné aux participants au cours d'Introduction à la publication d'un magazines qui prévoient de lancer ou [...]

Hands-on workshop

This will be a limited enrollment one-day hands-on workshop for participants in the Introduction to Magazine Publishing Course who are planning to start or re-start [...]

Launching a podcast with a $0 budget

Whether a podcast is a distant dream or a well-defined concept, you can launch a podcast with $0 budget. Discover how to take the next [...]

An introduction to Search Engine Optimization

The primary way most people get to magazine and newspaper websites is through search engines like Google and Bing. In this free online workshop, Thomas Umstattd, [...]

Introduction to Magazine Management

**All 20 full-participation class seats are full. However, seats for auditing are still available.** Discover how to apply sound business principles to establish your periodical [...]

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