As another year comes to a close, we want to pause and express our gratitude to our donors for their faithful support. We want to thank the publishers who continue to participate in our programs and conferences, and God for carrying MTI through the last 29 years. Please make time to pray with us this week for the many blessings He has given MTI.
To those of you who send emails, notes, and letters of thanks and encouragement to our staff, we want to thank you. Your words always come at the time they are most needed, and help us to keep going in our work. Whenever we hear about the impact one of our programs has had on a publication we pass the word around the office because that’s why MTI exists–to give God glory and to help each of you with your publication.
Thank you! Here’s to next year.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.