Your generosity helps reach millions of people around the world through magazines that make a difference in the lives of their readers. These are just a few of the publishers that reach a broken world because of the training and resources provided by MTI:
Lara Odebiyi, Dabira magazine, Nigeria
- “I hope marriages that are failing, broken and hurting souls, people who need God, will find solutions to their issues from the messages we pass to them in the ‘Dabira’ magazine,” said Odebiyi.
John Gathuki, Timazi magazine, Kenya
- John Gathuku launched Timazi magazine to reach high school students in Kenya by addressing contemporary issues with biblical answers in an African context.
Francis Ayieko, Kenya
- “Your online library has resources that answer almost all the questions I’ve been asking myself for over a decade as a publisher,” said Ayieko.
We help hundreds of more magazines like the ones in our directory. Please join us in helping them reach a broken world.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.