If the pandemic years were bumper cars for us here at MTI, 2022 was a race car, careening around the track at high speed as we held two international conferences, one in Chicago and the just concluded conference in Ghana, Africa. That’s in addition to our very full online training program with six live workshops and two four-week online courses, along with new e-books.
It was also a year of changes as we said goodbye to two long-time employees with a total 22 years of service with the ministry.
I personally am breathing a sigh of relief that the race car is slowing as the year draws to an end. But 2023 waits on the threshold and although we don’t yet know what the year will bring, I look forward in confidence in the God who gives strength, grace, and resources in abundance.
I expect next year will offer opportunity for us to strengthen the ministry’s core as we look to build capacity in collaboration with others who have vision for Christian publishing worldwide. We want to explore fresh options for outreach and increased impact.
I’ve asked MTI Communications Director Jennifer Howard to bring you up to date on the events of this year and our plans for next year. Please take a couple of minutes to watch the video and to celebrate God’s faithfulness.
With warm regards,
Sharon Mumper, MTI president
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.