(COLORADO SPRINGS, Colorado)—Participants in the 19th online course to be offered by Magazine Training International (MTI) will learn how to use a smart phone and social media to produce content and promote their magazines. The four-week course, to be offered 20 April – 18 May 2023, will be led by Dr. Akosua Frempong, a digital, print, and broadcast media journalist whose work spans three continents.
The trainer-led courses have been offered twice a year since 2014 and have featured topics related to magazine writing, editing, management, design, digital publishing, social media, photography, and magazine startup. During the courses, students listen to lectures live or on demand, complete assignments, and participate in an online forum. A certificate is awarded on completion of the course. To date, some 250 students from dozens of countries have attended the courses.
Trainer feedback is an important feature of the courses. Expert evaluation was a significant benefit of the fall course on writing powerful stories, as evidenced by comments from students like Nformi Wilson from Cameroon, who wrote trainer Anne Marie Winz: “It warms my heart that you took your precious time to meticulously screen my article. It is proof of the fact that you want me not only to be organized in my presentation of ideas and facts, but to put them down in good English.”
Another student wrote: “I am most grateful for the corrections Anne did to my work and how it has helped me to become more organized and objective in my writing.”
The online courses are part of the MTIOnline program, which includes bi-monthly live workshops, e-books, and training videos. Some 3,000 people from scores of countries have viewed the online workshops live and many others have viewed them on demand.
The dozens of e-books we have published have been downloaded more than 4,000 times. Some 25 teaching videos have been viewed 1,000 times.
The next online course, to begin April 20, is titled “Smartphones, social media, and your magazine: Learn how to produce content and promote your publication.” Dr. Frempong will teach participants how to create multimedia content by taking photos and video with a smartphone and disseminating content through social media.
For more information about the course or to register, click here.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.