A media kit is your magazine’s opportunity to make a great first impression on potential advertisers. You want to introduce your magazine in a quick, engaging, and meaningful way. Put together a packet that tells the advertiser who your magazine is, how it can benefit their company, and what advertising options you can offer.
A media kit can be as simple as a page on your magazine’s website or as complex as a package of information assembled by your magazine to provide to prospective advertisers.
Items that are often included in a media kit are:
- A cover letter introducing the media kit
- A printed presentation folder
- Rate card
- Subscriber profiles – for print, digital, newsletters, eBlasts, and website
- A sample of the magazine
- Advertising options – organized by audience
- The editorial schedule
- Special opportunities – classified ads, gift guides, regional eBlasts, regional banners
- Additional digital opportunities
- Advertisement dimensions
- Advertisement specifications
- Print/Online/Broadcast/Podcast properties
- Testimonials
We have gathered several samples of media kits on our website. For more ideas go to “Top 10 Media Kit Tips for Magazine Publishers.”
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.