Christian journalists, editors, publishers, and bloggers from around the world are invited to attend the Crisis Publishing Initiative hosted by Magazine Training International (MTI) Oct. 15-18, 2017, at the Hotel Lövér in Sopron, Hungary.
MTI is now accepting pre-registrations at a 25% discount from the regular registration fee of $450. The “Sunrise Special” discounted registration fee is $335, and is available now through April 15, 2017.
The registration fee covers a reception and supper on Oct. 15, lunches and coffee breaks Oct. 16-18, a banquet on Oct. 18, and an information-packed program taught by a dozen veteran journalists, researchers, and security specialists from around the world.
Pre-registration is available at here.
MTI has launched a new site dedicated to the Initiative at www.crisispublishing.com. As planning continues over the next nine months, this website will be the go-to source for information on sessions, speakers, schedule, lodging, and other pertinent planning tools for prospective participants.
The Initiative is for Christians in publishing who face the challenge of reporting on catastrophic events and wish to gain knowledge, skills, and resources that will enable them to research, report, and publish responsibly in crisis situations.
by Jennifer Howard, communications director
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.