Two highly-respected publishing professionals are coming to Bangalore, India, on 29 April – 1 May, to teach and offer consulting services during Magazine Training International and Sathyam Ministries’ three-day Publishing in a Digital World: The Business of Magazine Publishing for Today workshop. Don’t miss the opportunity to learn from and interact with these experts on the business of magazine publishing and social media marketing. The trainers come from various backgrounds and have experience with large and small magazines.

David Renard
David is a partner with mediaIDEAS, a global consultancy providing research and advice on the publishing industry’s technology-enabled future. He founded and built Netcirculation, the largest nationwide distribution network for high-end boutique fashion, art, photography, and design titles. And, he co-created Stare, a publishing and advertising agency. He also spearheaded a new European subsidiary that developed research-driven decision support tools, which he grew into a multi-million dollar business. In demand worldwide as a speaker on digital publishing, he taught publishing business and digital publishing courses and workshops for Magazine Training International in India, the U.S., Kenya, Côte d’Ivoire, Ghana, and online.

Dr. Marcos Simas
Marcos is a 30-year veteran of the Brazilian publishing industry. Marcos currently serves as chief editor at Geográfica Editora, and as rights director for African, Portuguese, and Spanish languages at Riggins Rights Management. Marcos previously worked for almost 10 years as chief editor with Christianity Today Brazil (Cristianismo Hoje). He earned a B.A. in theology, a mini MBA from Loyola University of Chicago, a Ph.D. in religious studies, and publishing certificates from the University of Chicago, Yale University, and International Christian Publishing Institute. Marcos taught publishing business courses and workshops for Magazine Training International in India and online.
Photo by Kenny Eliason on Unsplash
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.