It’s not too late to join Christians in publishing at the Introduction to Magazine Publishing Course in Accra, Ghana, 13 – 18 November. Meet or reconnect with Christian publishing professionals from around the world and learn in a supportive, friendly environment.
In this overview of the magazine publishing, you will discover how to apply sound business principles to establish your periodical on a solid foundation. You will determine how to work with writers and craft articles that touch the lives of readers. And, you will learn principles and tips to design an engaging publication that entices readers and communicates the magazine’s mission.
The course will be taught by an international team of six trainers in English with simultaneous interpretation into French. All participants will also receive a 212-page book with 24 chapters full of ideas for practical application.
Registration is still open for the five-day course on magazine editing, design, and management and the one-day Hands-on Workshop on starting or re-launching a magazine. Ready to register?
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.