Three experts on magazine editing and writing will form the 2016 editing course training team for Magazine Training International’s (MTI) five-day Editing the Magazine Course in Kochi, India. Marshall Shelley, vice-president of Christianity Today and editor-in-chief of the Leadership Media Group, Shibu Mathew, editor of Ethne mission magazine and trainer for Frontier Educational Services, and Camerin Courtney, senior editor for a nonprofit humanitarian aid organization, will offer their expertise in the intensive course on magazine editing.
The Editing the Magazine course, Jan. 31 – Feb. 4, will be the second of two courses that comprise the “India 2016: Success in Publishing” conference. The course teaches editors time-tested principles of magazine editing, some of the secrets experienced editors use to work more efficiently and effectively, and ways to meet the challenges of an increasingly digital future.
Topics to be covered in the course include developing a magazine profile, editorial planning, scheduling and production, and conducting reader research. Participants will also learn how to select and shape a manuscript into one that is right for their magazine, and how to write compelling leads and conclusions. Shelley, Mathew, and Courtney will also offer consulting services to participants.
The conference this month is the last of three MTI-sponsored training events in India. The two previous conferences, held in Bangalore, received high praise.
“This meeting will be the turning point of my journey towards my goal,” said a participant in the 2012 conference. “I was really upset and discouraged by the difficulties and the blocks, and was not sure of the path I was to take. But, after attending the program I felt all the doors that were closed for me suddenly opened and uncovered my sight. Now I have a better perspective and I feel that, though my situation has not changed, I now have a different view and I know I can overcome.”
A participant who attended both the 2011 and 2012 conferences said: “The trainers for both years I attended were exceptional and very helpful. Some have been great friends and consultants to the magazine whenever I needed advice and direction.”
The trainers have decades experience as editors and writers of a variety of publications.
Marshall Shelley is vice-president of Christianity Today and editor-in-chief of the Leadership Media Group, which develops resources for church leaders, including Leadership Journal, PreachingToday.com, BuildingChurchLeaders.com, ChurchLawAndTax.com, and others.
Shelley has authored several books including The Leadership Secrets of Billy Graham, which he coauthored with Harold Myra. Previously, he was the general editor of The Quest Study Bible. He served as a trainer in 2002 in Bulgaria and in the 2011 Magazine Training Institute in India.
Shibu Mathew has worked as editor of Ethne mission magazine for 13 years. He also serves as trainer and speaker for Frontier Educational Services, which offers Perspectives and Kairos mission courses. He also manages a number of blogs and regularly contributes articles to other magazines.
Previously, Mathew was with the Union of Evangelical Students of India, where he was responsible for publishing and distributing books and the magazine Our Contact. He served as a trainer in the 2011 Magazine Training Institute in Bangalore and 2012 Advanced Magazine Training Institute in India.
Camerin Courtney is the senior editor for a nonprofit humanitarian aid organization, where she edits their quarterly magazine, blog, and other print and online communication.
Courtney previously spent 15 years on the editorial staff of Today’s Christian Woman magazine, wrote a column for ChristianSinglesToday.com, published two books, and wrote movie reviews and freelance articles for publications including Christianity Today, HomeLife, Prism, Christian Single, Ignite Your Faith, Collegiate, and Today’s Christian Woman. She served as a trainer in MTI training programs in Slovakia and India, and has also taught writing in Bulgaria and Cambodia.
The editing course will be preceded by a six-day Managing the Magazine Course Jan. 24 – 28. Simultaneous interpretation in Malayalam will be offered on request.
by Jennifer Howard, communications director
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.