We want to provide you with all the resources you need to launch or grow your magazine. For this reason we have various ways you can get the training you need and the inspiration to provide your readers with the best possible publication.
Focusing on the main aspects of publishing (writing, editing, management, and design) we have resources and samples in various formats to answer your many questions about publishing an effective magazine.
Here are many of our magazine publishing resources on writing.
Magazine Writing
- Whether you want to learn how to write or whether you need a tool to teach others to write, this manual is for you. Check out our “Writing Effective Magazine Articles” manual.
- We host six live workshops a year. All of our past workshops are available on-demand, including:
- Influencing non-Christians for Christ through your writing
- Publicize your writing online to gain new readers
- Writing the personal experience article
- Writing features that entertain, delight, and, sometimes, inform
- Reporting in 2018: How to make sure your hard work actually gets read
- Skillful self-editing: The fastest route to publication
- We have recordings of sessions from a conference focused on publishing during crises. The sessions on writing include:
- Leadership principles for transformational journalism
- Covering the refugee crisis (respectfully)
- Secondary trauma: When stories hurt
- If it bleeds, it leads–or is there a better way?
- Exploding the myths–the journalist in the fight against human trafficking
- Covering disasters: Rethinking large-scale trauma
- A voice for the suffering church
- Reporting on ethnic conflicts
- Moving beyond the who, what, when, where, and why in reporting
- and more!
- Every other month we release an e-book. You can find all of our e-books so far in our MTI Online learning center.
- For our on-site conferences we come to you. We’re headed to Ghana in 2022.
- We host two in-depth online courses a year on various topics.
- Samples of everything from blow-in cards to Writer’s Guidelines
If you think of a writing topic you would like training on, please leave it in the comments below. Thanks!
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.