Magazine Training International gets asked a lot of the same questions. Here are some answers to the most common ones:
Q: I was very interested in the last live workshop, but it wasn’t at a good time for me. Is there any way I can still watch it?
A: We know it’s hard to carve out an hour from your busy schedule or you don’t want to watch it at 2:00 am, so we record every live workshop we do. You can watch our on-demand workshops for free, anytime you want.
Q: Can I volunteer with MTI?
A: We occasionally need the help of volunteers in various roles for an on-site conference and in our office in Colorado Springs. If you really want to help in some way, contact us.
Q: Can my magazine publish an article by MTI?
A: MTI is not a magazine, nor do we write magazine articles. We provide training opportunities and resources to help you publish a magazine. We believe in the importance of local writers creating relevant content for your magazine’s readers. See this blog post for the reason why.
Q: I wasn’t able to download the latest e-book or watch the featured training video from this month. Can I still download it?
A: Yes, we are happy to announce that with our new website we now have the ability to allow you to download e-books or watch training videos anytime. All of them are available for free through MTI Online.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.