We’re looking for wisdom, perspective, and theological understanding from Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Bahasa Indonesian writers.
In the past year, we’ve published more than 500 translations of Christianity Today articles into 14 languages. We’re excited that so many of our essays and news stories have resonated with readers around the world. Now we want to bring wisdom, perspective, and theological understanding written in your first language to our English readers.
This year, we’re holding an essay contest for Portuguese, Spanish, French, and Bahasa Indonesian writers. Write and submit a piece in Portuguese, Spanish, French, or Bahasa Indonesia. It will be judged by three to five Christian leaders and theologians from regions that speak this language. The winning essays will then be translated into English and published on Christianity Today’s website in both languages.
Your contest entry should be factually sound, well researched, and—as our title suggests—pertain to modern Christianity. We are interested in essays that are expertly written and well supported, provide a fresh perspective, and connect the eternal message of the gospel with current trends, culture, events, and news. Please don’t tell Christians what they should be doing; instead invite them to think through their faith better as it pertains to a particular event or issue.
We’re interested in reading unique, surprising arguments that communicate the Gospel’s perspective on a particular issue that will disarm readers and make them more curious. First-person articles should apply your personal experience to a broader concept of faith and biblical truth. We are most interested in stories of Christians living out their faith in unique ways that impact the world for the better and communicate truth in a way that is deep, nuanced, and challenging.
We will have one winner in each language: Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Bahasa Indonesian.
This year’s contest winners will win $250 and a three-year Christianity Today print and online subscription. They will also have their essay published on Christianity Today’s website.
If your submission does not win, we may still publish it. In submitting your piece, you agree to have your essay considered by Christianity Today’s editors for future publication.
For details and submission information for the various languages click here.
Photo by Jason Dent on Unsplash
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