learning resources for magazine writers

Broaden your horizons and dive into these supplemental materials from the Poynter Institute or Magazine Training International’s resource center. You’ll find a wealth of knowledge through self-directed courses, webinars, and other resources designed to sharpen your skills and expand your understanding of journalism and magazine publishing.

To enhance your learning experience, make a list of what was valuable, what wasn’t valuable, and what questions arose from the session.

Whether you’re delving into newsroom management, digital storytelling, editorial strategy, or fact-checking, these resources provide valuable insights and practical skills that can elevate your professional capabilities. Take advantage of these opportunities, participate actively, and reflect on your learning to get the most out of them.

These resources are supplementary to the self-guided online course “Create Articles the Move Readers” led by Diane J. McDougall.

Photo by Basil James on Unsplash

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.