Many teen magazines published for today’s young girls promote a superficial and promiscuous lifestyle. Girls4God is different.
Peer pressure can cause even a Christian teenage girl raised in a stable home to stumble or question her faith. Sherrin Skerman, editor of Girls4God magazine in Australia, knows the answer is Christ’s love and grace. She works every day to bring this truth to precious girls looking for answers.
Sherrin did not set out to launch a magazine. As a young adult she decided to put together a memory book for the teen girls in a Bible study she led. The small publication included Scripture and helpful advice. The girls loved it and the next year asked Sherrin for another one.
From these humble beginnings, the magazine and a full-blown ministry grew. A completely volunteer staff joined Sherrin in her efforts to inspire and instruct teen girls to love God and to live out their Christian faith in practical ways. As the demand for the magazine grew, Sherrin knew she needed help. Another magazine editor recommended Magazine Training International.
Sherrin poured herself into learning all she could from the resources available on MTI’s website. When she heard about the online courses, she was thrilled. “We have no experience in what we are doing; so, we are learning as we go,” she said. “When I heard about this training, I was ecstatic.”
Girls4God celebrated its ten-year anniversary in October! It hasn’t been easy, but Sherrin rejoices in the testimonies she receives from her readers and will continue to encourage girls to live their lives for God.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.