In an era where content reigns supreme, the role of editors to shape narratives and engage audiences is crucial. Magazine Training International’s (MTI) six-week online course Introduction to Magazine Editing serves as a comprehensive guide for Christian editors.

The online course, which ran April 6 – May 17, was the second in the new online series, Introduction to Magazine Publishing. Building on the success of the inaugural course on magazine management last fall, MTI continues its mission to empower publishers, editors, designers, and content creators worldwide.

With comprehensive curriculum curated by industry experts, the editing course delved deep into the intricacies of editorial planning; how to develop a magazine profile; how to work with writers; how to select, shape, and edit manuscripts; and how to write impactful leads, conclusions, headlines, and callouts.

“Editing an article can sometimes feel overwhelming, especially if you don’t break it into detailed steps,” says Salynda Hogsett, content editor for Brethren in Christ U.S. “I appreciate having clear guidance for each pass of an article.”

The instructors of the editing online course were Esther Nyaga, publishing manager of Publishing Institute of Africa and editor of Leadership Today Africa magazine, and Jeremy Weber, director of CT Global at Christianity Today.

The 16 full-course participants and two auditors were from Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, and the U.S. In addition to the course material and live sessions, they received an 87-page e-book based on the Introduction to Magazine Publishing textbook, which is available in French and English.

Designed to accommodate diverse learning preferences, the course offered a blend of interactive discussions, practical exercises, and real-world case studies. Participants had the opportunity to engage with other industry professionals, gain valuable insights, and sharpen their editorial acumen in a supportive online environment.

“I joined the class to grow in my editorial capacity–to ensure high quality content and timely publication,” says Wairimu Kinuthia of Timazi magazine in Kenya. “I will also use what I am learning to train our pool of writers.”

The 20-week course is offered as a series of three six-to-eight week online courses. The series will conclude with Introduction to Magazine Design, which will be offered September 18 through October 29.

More information about the online series is available on MTI’s website at

by Jennifer Howard, MTI communications director

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.