The people we work with and the friendships developed over the years inspire Jolene in her work as associate director with Magazine Training International.
“They’re publishing magazines because this is what God has called them to do,” says Jolene. “The fact that MTI gets to come along side them and help them fulfill that calling is incredibly exciting.”
“What I’ve heard many times, is that they went online looking for answers and found MTI’s website. From the resources they found there, they were able to start a publication that ministers to their people.”
Will you help them fulfill their calling?
God has called Christians to encourage one another and use our voices to tell the world of his love. Thousands of Christians in less-resourced countries are answering that call through the ministry of magazine publishing. Will you help to provide the tools these earnest Christian publishers need to reach their own communities?
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.