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Painea cea de toate zilele
Purpose: To provide spiritual development of youth and adults through daily devotions.

English Name: Our Daily Bread
str. Martir Maria Andrei nr. 2 Bl. A105, ap. 1
Timisoara, 300245
Country: Romania
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Year Founded: 2009
Circulation: 600
Audience: Youth and adults
Date Updated: 09/30/15
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: '+40-256-214-487 or +40-740-238-214
Contact Person: Tinu Leontiuc
Publisher: Christian Mission "Noua Speranta" (New Hope) Timisoara
Number of Pages: 100
Format: A6
Frequency: Quarterly
Purpose: Devotional, Spiritual Growth
Audience: Christians, Students, Youth
Language: Romanian