You are here: Magazine Directory / Nosotras
Purpose: To represent the "Union of Evangelical Women of Spain" (UDME), an interdenominational fellowship founded in 1965. We aim to inform, inspire and encourage Christian women to know, love, trust, and follow Jesus Christ throu Bible studies, insiprational and practical testimonials, etc.

English Name: We (Women)
Riaño 3-6C
Madrid, 28042
Country: Spain
Region: Western Europe
Year Founded: 1997
Circulation: 1,200
Audience: Mostly Christian women
Date Updated: 09/23/15
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +34-917-473-670
Contact Person: Ana Maria Huck Vangioni
Publisher: Union de Mujeres Evangelicals de España
Number of Pages: 40
Format: A4
Frequency: Semiannually
Purpose: Community, Spiritual Growth, Testimonials
Audience: Christians, Women
Language: Spanish - European