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Konzervativni listy
Purpose: To support the renewal of traditional values and civic virtues, mobilize and educate pro-family and traditionally thinking peoples for becoming active citizens, represent the Christian point of view in public life, and to seek and articulate a vision of free, virtuous society.

English Name: Conservative Gazette
Lidicka 52
Ostrava - Vitkovice, 703 00
Country: Czech Republic
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Year Founded: 1999
Circulation: 500
Audience: Interdenominational
Date Updated: 06/18/15
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +420-6-8-87-49-68
Contact Person: David Floryk
Publisher: Konzervativni Klub
Number of Pages: 28
Format: A4
Frequency: Monthly
Purpose: Christian News, Scripture Teaching, Spiritual Growth
Audience: Christians, General, non-Christians
Language: Czech