You are here: Magazine Directory / Kladence
Purpose: The only children's magazine in Macedonian. The longest-produced Christian magazine in the country.
English Name: Spring of Water (Well)
Bul. ASNOM 176-1/5
Skopje, 01000
Country: Macedonia
Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia
Year Founded: 2002
Circulation: 1,000
Audience: Primarily unchurched children 7-12.
Date Updated: 04/25/23
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: '+389-22-43-2600 or +389-70-25-2531 (mobile)
Contact Person: Pavle Kostadinov
Publisher: Child Evangelism Fellowship in Macedonia
Number of Pages: 28
Format: 19x24 cm
Frequency: Quarterly
Purpose: Spiritual Growth
Audience: Children, non-Christians
Language: Macedonian