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Cuvântul Adevarului

Purpose: To provide Christian articles, information, events, and news as the main Pentecostal magazine of the Romanian Pentecostal Churches.

English Name: The Word of Truth

Str. Carol Davila 81 Sector 5
Bucuresti, Romania 050453

Country: Romania

Region: Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Year Founded: 1929

Circulation: 9,200

Audience: Pentecostal believers in Romania and abroad

Date Updated: 04/03/18


Telephone: '+40 0213-119-295 or 0314-054-542

Contact Person: Daniel Purdel

Publisher: Cultul Crestin Penticostal - Biserica lui Dumnezeu Apostolica din Romania

Number of Pages: 24

Format: A4

Frequency: Monthly

Purpose: Christian News, Community

Audience: Christians

Language: Romanian