“If knowledge is power, then learning is a superpower,” writes brain performance guru Jim Kwik. If so, that makes David Munyere of Kenya something of a superhero. David has taken part in more MTI online live workshops and courses than anyone else. He has eagerly absorbed the content in 18 of the 21 online courses, and an astonishing 60-plus live workshops.

David was working on the youth magazine Today in Africa more than 20 years ago when one of the editors introduced him to MTI. With no formal training in publishing, he jumped at the chance to learn about every aspect of producing a magazine.

“I really liked the training because I was looking for training from a Christian perspective,” he says. “I liked the topics—they were in my interest areas.” He found the assignments were manageable for someone who was working and had other responsibilities. And so he began to devour courses and workshops on everything from writing to editing to design to business topics to digital publishing.

He especially appreciates the MTI instructors. “They were very gracious kind, friendly, and approachable,” he says. He found they communicated clearly: “One could not get lost in the bush trying to navigate a course,” he laughs. Further, “When I asked a question they responded very promptly. When I made mistakes they knew how to correct me so that at the end of the day I felt [encouraged].” He has also found the training manuals and videos to be extremely valuable, allowing him to revisit the material again and again.

All of this learning has taken place online. David is grateful for the people who donate to MTI and make it possible for people in less-resourced countries to take advantage of this valuable training without the expense of travel.

David is now working on a business plan for a magazine he hopes to launch aimed at Christian leaders. He envisions articles that provide biblical solutions to the issues leaders face every day. MTI training has shown him he needs to know his target audience and identify the publication’s guiding values. As well as giving him a vision for big-picture issues, practical courses on skills such as writing will help him produce focused, relevant content.

David’s learning never stops. He is a student of the culture, and he observes, “People are moving away from writing.” He realizes his magazine might need to be online, perhaps offering videos in the style of the ones on TikTok and YouTube along with text. He wants to learn more about AI and hopes MTI will add a course equipping publishers to benefit from this new technology.

David is clearly a man in love with learning. He holds a diploma in Bible and theology, a degree in biblical counseling, and a master’s in leadership. He recently completed a master’s in Christian writing and literature from Trinity Theological Seminary. He says, “I count myself eclectic!” He founded Philodeo Publishers in 2019.

MTI online training will help David translate his extensive knowledge and ministry experience from serving at a Christian university into a magazine that can encourage and equip Christian leaders throughout Africa. He is trusting God for a “financial breakthrough” to help him achieve his goal. Meanwhile, this learning superhero will continue to pursue every available opportunity to expand and hone his knowledge of publishing.

by Susan Maycinik Nikaido

Will you prepare workers for the harvest?

Donate today to help equip Christians globally in their mission to share Christ through magazines. God has called them to the ministry of publishing, and MTI offers the essential training for their success.

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.