Lancer un podcast avec un budget de 0 $
Qu'un podcast soit un rêve lointain ou un concept bien défini, vous pouvez lancer un podcast avec un budget de 0 $. Découvrez comment passer [...]
Qu'un podcast soit un rêve lointain ou un concept bien défini, vous pouvez lancer un podcast avec un budget de 0 $. Découvrez comment passer [...]
Christians embrace God’s transcendent Truths. Christian journalists have the privilege of seeking and sharing small-t truths that are essential for living. We live in truth-challenged [...]
Determine how you can work with writers and craft articles that touch the lives of readers. During this six-week course, Jeremy Weber, director of CT [...]
Join Magazine Training International and Sathyam Ministries as we continue the MTI in India program with a conference in Bangalore in April 2024! Learn the [...]
How can you reach readers who are immersed in the distractions of digital media every day? Discover how to make the move to digital and [...]
When writing, do you rely on only two of your five senses–sight and hearing? Don't neglect the full sensory experience. Discover techniques to engage sight, [...]
Discover principles and tips to design an engaging publication that entices readers and communicates the magazine’s mission. During this six-week course, Lea Greene, publication content [...]
As an editor, one of your main responsibilities is to work with writers to produce a story that is polished, compelling, and resonates with readers. [...]
Unlock the full potential of your photography equipment—whether it's a phone, DSLR, or mirrorless camera. Learn expert techniques to manage natural light and flash to [...]
You know what you’re saying. Do you know what your audience is hearing? Whether communicating with donors across the world, or diaspora across the street, [...]