First, to find good employees, look for people everywhere you go who are hard working, want to learn, have a servant’s heart and a positive attitude. Since it’s easier to train someone to do a job, hire for character and train for experience.
Always recognize that people are your greatest asset and the key to your future. Your staff will be more likely to stay for longer periods if you don’t manage by fear or making demands. Instead, be a team builder, and show that you care about people by taking a personal interest in each person at work.
If the days seem to get longer, and you find your tolerance running out, make a decision to spend more time finding the good in people instead of finding fault. Let people be a part of the decision-making process, learn to listen, and compliment often.
As a staff member, do you feel that your boss listens? What would you do to invest in those around you?
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.