
MTI asked Gökhan Talas, publisher of Miras magazine, to tell us how his ministry in Turkey is responding to the challenges of the pandemic and the stay-at-home orders. Here is his response:

We realized the crisis was coming in first period, and we started to prepare some fresh articles online. We knew there would be a quarantine process very soon and people would mostly be spending their time at home or in isolation. We decided to make some new things.

  • I began a TV program that I recorded with pastors, ministry leaders, and theologians via Zoom. Now, we broadcast 13 episodes and answer major questions about the spiritual side of the pandemic and upcoming problems.
  • As Miras Ministry, we gave away 1 issue of the magazine in PDF format. There will be more soon.
  • We are recording some of our articles as audio files. I learned many people can’t focus on reading because the effects of pandemic. This is a psychological process. But, audio articles can help people to learn and be encouraged by the Word of God.

This is what we are doing in this crisis.

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