At the end of 2021, we look with confidence to the year ahead. God has provided strength, opportunities, resources—everything we’ve needed for the last 30+ years and we know he will be with us in 2022.
But, as we look ahead in confidence, we also want to look back in gratitude at the year that is ending. Much was accomplished in 2021, despite the continuing pandemic, and we want to recognize God’s grace and mercy.
I’ve asked MTI Communications Director Jennifer Howard to bring you up to date on the events of this year and our plans for next year. Please take a couple of minutes to watch the video and to celebrate with Jennifer and the rest of us.
With warm regards,
Sharon Mumper
MTI president
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.