get a byline

Landing a professional byline can often feel like an insider’s game, especially if you lack a portfolio or industry contacts. But remember: every published writer started somewhere – right where you are now, searching for a breakthrough.

While newsrooms may sometimes favor reporters they have previously worked with and trust, Olivia-Anne Cleary, an editor at TIME with a decade of journalism experience, remarked that newcomers can bring different strengths. With her working-class roots, Cleary understands the challenges of entering this shrinking industry dominated by people from higher-income status. Today, she is committed to opening more doors for first-time writers from working class backgrounds. “First-time writers tend to have a lot of passion and excitement which, when well-directed, can be a fantastic asset,” she said.

Nurturing new talent is sometimes time-consuming, Cleary added, but ultimately fulfilling. Roisin Lanigan, a contributing editor at The Fence, a quarterly print magazine, agreed. “It’s always really rewarding to give someone their first byline and then see them grow as a writer and in their career further down the line,” she said. The Fence, focused on life in the U.K. and Ireland, openly welcomes writers with no previous experience, showing that opportunities exist even for those without a formal track record.

Not every try will succeed, however. “All the freelance writers I work with have gotten passes from me over the years – it comes with the territory,” Megh Wright, features editor at the pop culture news publication, Vulture, explained. “I love when a newer, hungry writer pitches me something, I pass, they take it well, then they come back and keep pitching.”

Rejections are part of the learning curve. To secure your first commission, you need skills but also perseverance – along with some knowledge of how best to approach editors. Cleary, Lanigan, and Wright provided their expert advice on taking steps toward publication.

Buy 7 Days to a Byline that Pays or read the highlights from chapter 1 or chapter 2

Focus on one idea at a time

Sending an email packed with pitches can suggest a lack of passion for any of them.

“I’d recommend starting with one idea you’re genuinely very excited about and spending time to make sure it’s focused and polished,” Wright said. As editors are often overwhelmed and overworked, they also prefer managing one proposal at a time, she said.

Perfect your pitch

Consider small changes in your approach that can make a big difference. “Things like formatting your pitch email properly and reading the publication you’re pitching to so you’re tailoring your ideas to what they are actually looking for,” are some examples, Lanigan said.

Opt for reported stories, dispatches or fresh angles on a timely topic over personal narratives, she advised, as these are often more likely to catch an editor’s eye.

Include details

Be concise but thorough in your email proposal. Explain your piece, list potential interviewees, the points you will explore, and provide an estimated word count, all in a few lines.

Cleary urged writers to be transparent about their access to sources and include a realistic date for submitting and running the story. “For example, if you’re pitching an article pegged to an anniversary of a film, then you’d envision the publishing date to be on or before the anniversary,” she said.

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by Cristiana Bedei, International Journalists’ Network

Photo by Mihai Nițu on Unsplash

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