Ministry Partner2022-04-07T13:51:26-06:00

Thank you for your interest!

You can be part of the multiplication power of training!

Discover how you can partner with Magazine Training International to equip those God has called to the ministry of magazine publishing in less-resourced countries. Are you already a partner? Thank you! Together with you we are building a network of Christian publishers who are reaching their readers, nations, and the world with the Gospel!

How can I help reach nations through magazine publishing?


We depend on the generous financial support of ministry partners to provide quality training to Christians in less-resourced countries. Will you help us equip Christians to reach their own people with the message of the Gospel?


We believe God hears and answers prayer. For that reason, we actively seek prayer partners. Will you join us in prayer? We will send you a short monthly prayer update with one or two key requests. Let us know your prayer requests and we’ll pray for you as well.


Get to know Christians in publishing worldwide, whether you travel to a distant country or stay at home as you share your knowledge and experience in magazine writing, editing, design, or management. Or gain international experience as you volunteer to serve in another way. Find out how to get involved.

Learn more about Magazine Training International

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How we help

MTI at a glance

We serve magazines worldwide

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