We’ve rounded up all the resources you might have missed! Here are our best on-demand workshops and e-books of 2019:
- [e-book] Developing writers
- [workshop] Axis: The one conversation model
- [e-book] How to design a powerful cover
- [workshop] Tell it online: Create interactive and engaging online media
- [e-book] Editorial management
- [workshop] Worldwide trends in magazine publishing
- [e-book] Training writers
- [workshop] Skillful self-editing: The fastest route to publication
- [e-book] Writing leads and conclusions
- [workshop] The power of what we do and do not say
- [e-book] The skillful use of typography
- [workshop] Using photography in magazine design
P.S. Have you read our blog? We offer weekly tips and news related to magazine publishing on the toughest challenges in the world of magazine writing, editing, management, design, digital publishing, and more. We’d love to hear what you’re struggling with most, submit your questions here.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.