The God who referred to Jesus as “The Word” is a big fan of words and their power to change lives. At Magazine Training International we’ve also seen the power of the published word to draw nonbelievers to Christ, to disciple Christians, and to transform nations.
This year Christians leaders from dozens of countries participated in onsite or online courses and workshops, gaining the tools they need to more effectively publish the truth of the Gospel in their lands.
Plans for next year include a full online training program with courses and workshops and at least one onsite conference drawing together leaders with a focus on Christian publishing worldwide. MTI will also undergo a five-month transition process moving the ministry from current to new leadership. We expect that by the middle of the year MTI will be ready to enter a new era under new leadership.
Please take a few minutes to listen to this video by MTI Communications Director Jennifer Howard. It’s packed with the information you need as you consider your giving plans for the end of the year.
Sharon Mumper
MTI President
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.