Sharpening the story: Working with writers to get to the heart of it all


As an editor, one of your main responsibilities is to work with writers to produce a story that is polished, compelling, and resonates with readers. You want the story with oomph. It can be a challenging process, especially when writers have different styles, approaches, and levels of experience. But, with the right mindset and approach, it is possible to build strong, productive relationships with writers that result in outstanding work. Discover tips and guidance for editors to work effectively with writers and produce stories that have real impact.

In this free online workshop, Hillary Jackson discusses questions to consider as you begin the editing process, situations you might encounter in your editing life, how to work with writers to sharpen stories, how to deliver feedback, and more.

Meet the trainer: Hillary Jackson

This workshop is available in the MTI Online Learning Center. During the checkout process, you will be prompted to create a free membership account or login to access this workshop. Thank you!

Photo by C D-X on Unsplash

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Format: Video


Language: English



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