trainers awarded by EPA

Congratulations to 10 Magazine Training International trainers who won awards for their work at the annual convention of the Evangelical Press Association (EPA). There are two categories of awards, the Awards of Excellence that honor the best work done in EPA publication during 2023, and the Higher Goals awards that honor of the best work done in specific categories during 2023.

  • Kristy Glaspie of World Vision Magazine won an Award of Excellent in the organizational (print) category; an Award of Excellence in the organizational (digital) category; and first place in Higher Goals interview article.
  • Sarah Gordon of Christianity Today won fifth place in Higher Goals publication design.
  • Lea Greene of SAConnects won an Award of Merit in the Denominational (print) category; third place in Higher Goals original art: digital/mixed media; fifth place in Higher Goals photography use-print; fourth place in Higher Goals table of contents; and second place in Higher Goals single-theme section or issue.
  • Adam Holz of Plugged In won an Award of Merit in the general (digital) category; second place in Higher Goals blog: website; and fourth place in Higher Goals podcast.
  • Hillary Jackson of Caring Magazine won second place in Higher Goals cover; and fourth place in Higher Goals infographic.
  • Doug Johnson of Christian History won an Award of Merit in the general (print) category; fifth place in Higher Goals feature article;
  • Journey Group won second place in Higher Goals table of contents; fourth place in Higher Goals two-page spread design; and third place in Higher Goals feature article.
  • Heather Pubols of Evangelical Missions Quarterly won an Award of Excellence in the most improved (print) category.
  • Sheila Seifert of Brio won an Award of Excellence in the youth (print) category; first place in Higher Goals devotional; and fifth place in Higher Goals single-theme section or issues.
  • Rick Szuecs of Christianity Today won fifth place in Higher Goals publication design.

Kristy taught the live workshop, “Strengthening the story: Featuring editing to make your stories shine;” Sarah taught the live workshop, “Spread the love: Designing delight into your opening spread;” Lea was a design trainer at a conference in Ghana and will teach the “Introduction to Magazine Design” online course this fall; Adam and Hillary are scheduled to teach live workshop this year; Doug was a writing trainer at a conference in Russia; Various employees of Journey Group (including Greg Breeding, Jeremy Cherry, and Zack Bryant) served as trainers in-person and online; Heather taught at the Crisis Publishing Initiative conference in 2022; Sheila taught the live workshop, “Structure and SEO: An article’s foundation;” and Rick taught the live workshop, “Magazine Design: Doing a Lot with Just a Little,” another live workshop, “Otimize seu fluxo de trabalho: Aproximando design e editorial para uma produção mais eficiente,” and was a design trainer at a conference in Kenya.

Congratulations to each of you! We’re so proud of your accomplishments.

Photo by Robin Edqvist on Unsplash

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.