Jedd Medefind
Jedd Medefind is the president of the Christian Alliance for Orphans. Jedd has written many articles and four books, including Upended and Four Souls. His most recent book, Becoming Home, offers a short yet meaningful exploration of how families and communities can embrace vulnerable children with wisdom and love through adoption, foster care, mentoring and more. Prior to this role, Jedd served in the White House as a special assistant to President George W. Bush, leading the Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives. Previously, Jedd held a range of posts in the California State Legislature. He also helped establish the California Community Renewal Project, which strengthens nonprofits in some of the state’s most challenged communities. He has worked, studied, and served in more than thirty countries, with organizations ranging from Price-Waterhouse in Moscow to Christian Life Bangladesh. Jedd Medefind and his wife, Rachel, live in central California with their five children.