In the U.S., November is a time to pause and remember everything we are thankful for. We at Magazine Training International have so much to be thankful for. Our gratitude to God for the last 27 years of ministry is huge. Please make time to pray with us this week for the many blessings he has given MTI.
Of the many things we are thankful for, here are five:
- You – We are thankful for the opportunity to work with each of you, the chance to hear and see what God is doing in and through your magazines, and the encouragement you are for us to keep working to provide training.
- Donors – Without our donors nothing we do would be possible. Thank you for allowing us to continue helping magazine publishers around the world spread the gospel.
- Staff – Despite all the training and resources provided by MTI, we only have 4 people on staff. We are thankful for the work they do and the individual gifts that make up our great team.
- Volunteers – Professional training is only possible when expert trainers are willing to give of their time and expertise. Thank you to the many trainers over the years that believe in magazines and guiding Christian publishers.
- Print isn’t dead – Magazine continue to evolve in the way they distribute content, but we are thankful that the beauty and power of the printed word is still one of those ways.
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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.