broken world

“People ask me why I have to go back,” said Lara Odebiyi of her third 5060-mile trip from Nigeria to India for an MTI conference. “It is because I always learn something new. Each conference brings me great excitement to forge ahead and do things right and excellent as God wants it.”

In 2009, a vision for a magazine to educate, empower, and encourage women grew while Lara Odebiyi worked with underprivileged women in Nigeria. She didn’t know where to begin. She searched online and found the hundreds of resources available on MTI’s website. Lara traveled to India to attend three MTI conferences, and launched Dabira, an online magazine for women. She continues to use the lessons she learned on a daily basis.

Lara is encouraged by the grateful responses she receives from her readers. One Dabira reader found help in the midst of her abusive marriage, “Every time I read from Dabira magazine it gives me a sense of purpose as a woman. My confidence has increased and my trust in God got better.”

Responses from readers like the one above are an answer to prayer. “I am believing God to attract more people who need the Dabira message,” Lara said. “I hope marriages that are falling, broken and hurting souls, people who need God, will find solutions to their issues from the messages we pass to them on the Dabira magazine.”

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.