
Your donation will support a one-of-a-kind conference

In just a few weeks some 80-100 Christian journalists, analysts, and experts in migration, religious freedom, human trafficking, the Middle East, and dozens of other topics will gather in Hungary for the Crisis Publishing Initiative, a one-of-a-kind conference on reporting truth in the midst of crisis.

We are grateful for the many donors who have given to make this conference possible. However, we estimate that with only weeks to go we still lack $20,000. A friend has offered to match up to $10,000. This means your gift today will go twice as far.  Give now

Here is what some of our sponsors have to say about this conference:

“We have joyfully been in partnership with MTI for many years. We at Christianity Today want to do all we can to help facilitate this timely vision-and expand the voice of Truth-through his committed messengers.”–Harold Smith, president and CEO of Christianity Today

“It seems almost every day we hear of crises and tragedies occurring around the world. When we learned of MTI’s plans to host a Crisis Publishing Initiative in Europe, it made sense that EPA should become part of their coalition.”– Lamar Keener, executive director of Evangelical Press Association

“We have seen first hand the powerful impact thoughtful reporting on faith issues can have on communities impacted by mass and humanitarian disasters. There is a significant need for a forum to better prepare religious reporting to tackle today’s global crises. I was very excited to learn about the Crisis Publishing Initiative.”Jamie Aten, founder and co-director of the Humanitarian Disaster Institute

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Magazine Training International’s mission is to encourage, strengthen, and provide training and resources to Christian magazine publishers as they seek to build the church and reach their societies for Christ.